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  • Writer's pictureSadie Thompson

Being a Foot in the Church Body

Here’s the thing…

I hate asking for money.

I’m gonna be straight up honest with everyone, I have a hard time asking for help or admitting that I’m needy in some circumstances. But wow, such a gracious God we serve that He would cut my pride and replace it with Him. I am learning to ask for what I need and He is teaching me His faithfulness and who He is as provider. He asked me to go into full time missions which means I have no time to work or earn my own finances and resources. I have to rely completely on the church to support what He has asked me to do.

I recently read an article that kind of shifted my perspective on raising support as a missionary. The author was referencing 1 Corinthians 12, where Paul talks about how the church is like a body.

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body -Jews or Greeks, slaves or free- and all were made to drink of one Spirit.” -1 Corinthians 12:12-13

In the article, she discusses how missionaries are like the feet of the church body.

We do. We take steps. We move. We get dirty. We go places. We put on different “shoes” or roles.

This is our calling; to move the church and take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

This is just one part of the body. Some are called to be the eyes; to see the needs and bring awareness to the church about the world around us. Some are called to be the heart; a driving passion to motivate the church to take action. Some are called to be hands; to serve whoever and whatever is in front of them. All of these things no less significant than another.

So right now I am asking for support. For me, currently a “foot”, a need the support from you, the church. I want to be open and vulnerable with y’all as I step into this season of reliance and serving. My desire is to have a heart after God’s own and He’s serve from that heart in a missions capacity. I want to partner with you. I want to keep you updated on what I’m doing, what is on our hearts, on prayer and financial needs, and testimonies of what He’s doing through me and YWAM.

At the moment, I still need monthly supporters. I’ll explain below specifics of cost of living for each month. All of these will be in USD currency.

YWAM Fees -$400 This includes tuition, room & board and weekday meals.

Phone Service -$26 For making calls in AU/abroad, ministry purposes, blogging/staying connected to US.

Living expenses -$174 Clothing, groceries, toiletries, Uber(how we get around), etc.

If I can find 20 people to donate $30 a month, that will cover all of the above necessary expenses. If you would like to pledge to partner with me monthly, please click here. It will link you to my website where you can easily enter your name, email, amount you’d like to pledge, and an optional note should you have any comments or questions.


If you prefer, it also helps greatly if you’d like to pledge to support me in one area (e.i. groceries, phone bill). If God puts it on your heart to partner with me in this way, let me know in the comment section on my website in the above link.

If you cannot pledge to a monthly donation, every little bit genuinely counts. Just this last week, a friend and my grandma sent $100 together. It was perfect timing and enough to get a jacket, a hat, and some socks so I could combat the brisk June-August winter of Australia. Whether a pledge, $100 pulled together with a friend, or $10, it makes a difference and is a huge help and encouragement.

Please pray and see if God lays it on your heart to partner with me. On that note, prayer support is definitely most important. I know a few loved ones are already praying for me, the mission, and for YWAM Toowoomba and I greatly appreciate it. You can stay updated on specific prayer points by keeping up with this blog and my monthly newsletter. Some on going prayer points would be:

  • Consistent financial support

  • Energy, boldness, and creativity in ministry

  • Unity, deep friendships among team members

  • Openness among those we are ministering to

  • Christ be the center of our lives at all times so that we are an example

  • Opportunities to minister to new people, organizations, & churches

It is on my heart to stay connected with supporters, friends, and family back home. I want to share about what is going on with me personally and with our ministry as YWAM Toowoomba. I am grateful for all support; financial, provisional, and prayerful. As always, I am open to conversation. Message me, email me, or comment and lets talk!

Thank you again to all y’all who have given so much already! I love you and appreciate you!


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